
Eunice is my favorite of all of my bulldogs. She has got to be one

of the most laid back and well behaved girls I have ever owned. She

is almost like a child who is eager to please her parents. Some of my

dogs will try my patience, and push me to the edge. But Eunice is my

little helper around the house, and always willing to lend a helping hand.

     She had 11 puppies in her first litter. She is one of the best

I've ever owned, and makes raising puppies easier. I can always trust

Eunice to be left alone with her puppies, without having to look over

my shoulders constantly. She is so gentle with them, and even with

eleven puppies, I've never seen her to step on a puppy when coming

in and out of the puppy box. She has played mama to all of the puppies

that have been around her, and treats every one of them as her own.

     Some of my dogs will retire to good pet homes when they have

reached the goals I have set for them. Eunice will be here her whole

 life. Losing her would be like losing my right hand.

C. Lane Stroud


Eunice's Pedigree


Eunice and her last litter of puppies

Click on the picture to see the puppies' pedigree